Tag: belay

Travel Tuesdays: Pick your partners carefully

Today I’m going to share two climbing stories that both carry the same message from two different angles: Pick your partners in adventure carefully. In…

how to lead climb safely

How to sport climb safely: Lessons learned from falling headfirst

Ian Carroll

I was definitely falling. What I saw was most definitely down. Slowed, slowed down until I could feel the fibers of the rope running over…

Climbing – Things to consider before tackling your first multi-pitch lead

Climbing is growing in popularity. It seems that the more I go to my local rock gym or local crag the more I meet people…

Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of ‘Climbing gear for beginners’, we will look at all the less essential gear you will want to start collecting. If you…

Climbing gear racked up on a harness

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that you need to buy before…