Tag: dehydration

Everything you need to know about hydration & no Bear Grylls isn’t drinking urine

Ian Carroll

You, like many people, may have thought that camels can live longer than any other animal without water. After all, what are all those humps…

If you get lost in the wilderness – following these guidelines may help

Doug Williams

While exploring new areas in the wilderness can be fun and exciting, it can often be dangerous too. A fun hike, backpacking or camping trip…

How to treat Sunstroke, Hypothermia, and Dehydration

Nick Oetken

Dehydration, sunstroke, and hypothermia are among the biggest killers in survival situations. If you ever find yourself out in the wild and trying to find…

Dehydration – It’s serious stuff

In the Outdoor Revival office the other day we were talking about dehydration and how we’ve all felt the effects at some time or another,…

7 Water myths that are dangerous

Doug Williams

Water is one of the most important things in life, probably second to the air we breathe and that makes it something that we need…

6 reasons why drinking water is important

The warm and sunny weather is finally here. With it, it’s time to get more active and go out to enjoy the pleasant sunshine and…

Hydration 101

Winter is finally over, and the days of warm and sunny weather are upon us. Forget the cold and rough hiking trips, and start looking…

7 Water Myths That Put You In Danger

Doug Williams

Water is one of the most important things in life, probably second to the air we breathe and that makes it something that we need…

The Effects of Dehydration – Serious stuff

Doug Williams

In the Outdoor Revival office the other day we were talking about dehydration and how we’ve all felt the effects at some time or another,…

Spit fishing and some other strange survival tricks in the wilderness

Survival is a mindset that one needs to hone even in the peacetime, so that when the time comes you can easily switch to the…