Tag: hiking

group of hikers along mountain ridge in the daytime

Exploring the Joys of “Type 2 Fun”

Type 2 fun is a fascinating concept that often catches people by surprise. Unlike its straightforward counterpart, type 1 fun, which is enjoyable in the…

Yosemite National Park: Visitor’s guide

Unless you are unfamiliar with U.S. history and territories, you probably already know that Yosemite National Park has a monumental reputation. Most Americans have seen…

How to prepare for the Amazon Rainforest adventure

The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest rainforest in the world, and though it’s quite smaller than a couple of decades ago, it’s still considered to…

Hiking with toddlers – the ultimate tips

Hiking with toddlers is not always the most beautiful experience you’re going to have. It takes a little bit of effort and a strong will…

Virtual reality vs. the real outdoors

Ian Carroll

The virtual world has virtually arrived. Most of us at Outdoor Revival have been spending our summers on the beach and our winters in the…

Hiking trails in Utah that you can’t miss

Stef Zisovska

Utah is home to some of the most unique and spectacular terrain in America, and some of the biggest attractions are only accessible to those…

How to teach kids to love being active outdoors

One of the scariest things for nature-loving parents is taking their kids outdoors for the first time. What if your kid hates hiking, is scared…

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what get us outside, what gets…

Camp cooking: how to make flavor on the fly

So, we all spend a lot of time outdoors. Most of us here at Outdoor Revival are at least what you could consider casual campers.…

Useful tips for senior hiking enthusiasts

Stef Zisovska

Hiking is one of the most favorite activities to people of all ages. Depending on your skills, there are so many different hiking trail networks across…