Tag: Insect Repellent

Uses for Cattail Fluff: A great survival resource

The most common cattail (Typha latifolia) that we all recognize is a tall plant often found growing in dense stands in wetland areas, such as…

Useful items that will help you survive

Nothing beats a weekend in the woods, or a week or two! Getting away from the run of the mill routine for a couple days…

Fight the mosquitoes with plants from your garden

We all love being outdoors, but the blood sucking mosquitoes can make it unbearable. They are everywhere, when you go on a picnic, vacation in…

5 Survival Uses For Cattail Fluff

Doug Williams

The most common cattail (Typha latifolia) that we all recognize is a tall plant often found growing in dense stands in wetland areas, such as…

9 Take With you Items that Will Help You Survive

Nothing beats a weekend in the woods, or a week or two! Getting away from the run of the mill routine for a couple days…