Tag: mosquitoes

How to deal with mosquitoes on your outdoor adventures

Stef Zisovska

Camping trips are the best thing you can do during the warm months, especially if you love spending time in the outdoors. There is nothing…

How to get rid of mosquitoes in a natural way

Stef Zisovska

We will all agree on this one – mosquitoes are incredibly annoying creatures. There is nothing worse than a dozen mosquito bites while you’re trying…

Lab-grown genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in 2018

Tomi Stojanovic

No one likes annoying mosquito bites, the itching, and scratching, and the terrible red skin afterwards. The worst thing that can happen from a bite…

Mosquitoes released in Brazil to fight dengue fever

Dengue fever sounds like some rare and exotic disease, but the truth is that it affects about 20,000 Americans a year. Without a doubt, however,…

How to keep the bugs out of your camping trip

Being outdoors is invigorating, refreshing, and something that just about anyone can enjoy. But no matter what type of outdoor activity you enjoy, something we…

Tips on how to survive the jungle maze

Are you sitting comfortably in your chair right now and thinking that jungle survival is the last thing in the world that you want to…

Preparing for insects in the wilderness

Few things are more exhilarating than hiking, camping, and canoeing in the wilderness. That’s why we at Outdoor Revival do what we do, we love…

Avoiding the pesky mosquitoes

When the weather begins to warm up, you can expect to find annoying mosquitoes appearing around lots of places. The actual bite is not the…

Fight the mosquitoes with plants from your garden

We all love being outdoors, but the blood sucking mosquitoes can make it unbearable. They are everywhere, when you go on a picnic, vacation in…

The easiest way to keep your family bug free throughout your camping trip

When you make plans for a camping trip, your mind runs wild with all of the wonderful things you can do during your weekend away outdoors.…