Tag: navigation

Best travel apps for wandering across the world 2018

Ian Carroll

Back in the day, travel essentials used to be things like a map, guidebook, extra rolls of film and a sense of adventure. These days,…

These old wives tales could kill you – know the facts

Doug Williams

All sorts of situations can bring to mind ancient folk remedies and old wives tales that have been passed down through the ages. These sometimes…

 Know the stars: Learn to navigate at night

When you are away from city lights, you will be able to see far more stars in the sky than you could otherwise. It is…

Things you should do if you get lost on the trail

We all love to get out on the trails and get some fresh air into our lungs. For the most part, we know our way,…

Wilderness navigation techniques for beginners

You are finally hitting the trail and enjoying your first hiking experience. It seems like nothing can go wrong and you feel like you’re king…

Essential Kit for the Newbie Cycle Tourer

Cycle touring is a great way to travel the world. It’s slow enough that you get the feel of a landscape and culture, but fast…

How To Survive Getting Stranded In The Jungle

Of all the different kinds of environments in the world, perhaps none is more intimidating to survive in than the jungle or rainforest. Not only…

Basics Of Maps and Compass – What they are used for

We grew up with Maps and Compasses and sometimes take them for granted, forgetting that there’s a lot of people that have very little idea…

Backpacking Checklist – Is It Essential To Have One

Doug Williams

Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced backpacker, the worst thing that can happen is that you forget an item or two that you…

Top Tips for Winter Climbing

Doug Williams

It’s winter and so it’s easy to think that you need to be stuck inside on the climbing wall rather than outside, but that’s just…