Tag: urine

These old wives tales could kill you – know the facts

Doug Williams

All sorts of situations can bring to mind ancient folk remedies and old wives tales that have been passed down through the ages. These sometimes…

Worst outdoor tips shown on television

Reality television has become more common than any other type of show on television. They seem like they might be a bit cheaper to produce…

Poop in the wild: A definitive guide

One of life’s most natural occurrences is, for most people, a daily visit to the toilet. Sitting on your porcelain throne, in a clean and…

Lesser known survival tips that could save the day

Staying alive in extreme weather conditions is a real art and requires skills and knowledge. No matter if you find yourself in severe cold or…

7 Water myths that are dangerous

Doug Williams

Water is one of the most important things in life, probably second to the air we breathe and that makes it something that we need…

The weirdest ways to start a fire in an emergency

Every camping beginner knows that you should pack fire starting materials together with your other survival gear, if you didn’t know that, well you do…

8 Lesser known survival tips

Staying alive in extreme weather conditions is a real art and requires skills and knowledge. No matter if you find yourself in severe cold or…

7 Water Myths That Put You In Danger

Doug Williams

Water is one of the most important things in life, probably second to the air we breathe and that makes it something that we need…