Tag: waterproof

Camping tips for what to do when it rains

Camping is a beautiful way of spending some quality time with the people we love and connecting with nature. Planning a camping trip is not…

Tips for hiking in cold weather for beginners

Low temperatures, rainstorms, and cold winds are among the most challenging weather conditions that a hiking enthusiast can face. However, bad weather doesn’t mean you…

Tips on hiking through extended wet weather

You finally have a weekend off, and you can’t wait to pack your things and head off for an exciting trip out of the city.…

Staying dry: How to waterproof your hiking gear

Being outdoors is something that most of us want to do as often as we can. This usually means that we are taken on some…

Great survival uses of moss

Stef Zisovska

Have you ever thought about moss and what you know about it? It is sometimes the green thing that grows on trees, rocks, buildings, and…

5 Tips and Reminders Before a Backpacking Trip

Whether you’re walking into the woods a few hundred feet from your home for a night of camping or trekking across the Sahara for an…

Choosing a camping tent – Never an easy decision to make

Traveling seems to be getting harder. First of all, it is expensive and requires lots of organizing just to travel to a place, arranging accommodation,…

Skycamp: Is this the Ultimate Roof Tent

This has got to be one of the best roof tents ever, and I’ve used a few in my time. Just last week I sold…

Adventuring With A Super Blanket – Kachula 2.0- Packable Adventure Blanket

Sometimes a blanket has got to be more use than a sleeping bag, especially if you’re just out for the day. I keep a couple…

Easy Steel Wool Emergency Fire Starter

Paul Pinkerton

With only a battery and some fine steel wool, you can make a fire anytime. It’s an old trick but works really well for starting…