Tag: wildlife

Pine Tree survival hacks

You and a friend are off on a hiking trail through the wilderness, populated by forests of pines, plenty of rivers, hills, and valleys. You…

The best of Treehouse hotel rooms

Remember the treehouse where you had your club headquarters in the summer holidays? Well, the space in these treehouses could hardly be more different! These…

Monster Crocodile – Another invasive species

Spotting native alligators and crocodiles in Florida is common, but anyone who sees a large reptile may want to take a second look— man-eaters that…

Top survival cooking methods

You have to cook most types of foods in order to make them safe to eat, but in a survival situation, this could prove problematic…

Avoiding the pesky mosquitoes

When the weather begins to warm up, you can expect to find annoying mosquitoes appearing around lots of places. The actual bite is not the…

Unbelievable wedding locations – The adventurer in you will jump with Glee

With the world of Pinterest weddings coming down hard on the engaged couples of the world, planning a wedding can be more overwhelming than it…

Porcupine safety tips

I remember when I first encountered Porcupines and in my head, they were put into the same category as skunks, which was, while driving, avoid…

Don’t let rattlesnakes rattle you

First of all, you will be reassured to know that the chances of dying of a bite from a rattlesnake in the United States are about one…

Survival uses for dish soap

One of the most fun aspects of preparing for a survival situation is learning how to use everyday household items for a myriad of different…

Warning to pet owners: Warm, wet weather brings snakes to homes

When the weather gets warm and there is a lot of rain, snakes become more active. Often, snakes get washed out of their normal habitat…