Category: Travel

Make a bed outside: How recreational camping started

Camping is one of the most fun summer pastimes for people all over the world. But how did this recreation start? When did camping turn…

Snake bite – This is what you need to do

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have been bitten by a snake, DO NOT PANIC! I know that’s easier said than…

Hiking + backpacking = fastpacking

First of all, fastpacking is not for everyone. It is the latest challenge for those who hike and backpack, marked tracks, as a hobby. It…

location independent money online

Make money online: How to find a location independent job

What if you could just pack up and leave right now? We’ve all thought that. You’re definitely not the only one who’s fantasized about being…

Survival tips for hot weather hiking

When the weather finally begins to heat up, we all are itching to get outside and take it all in. The transition into summer is…

Trails that will challenge the hiker in you

Hiking is one of the more satisfying exercises you can do. Not only can you find the silence and separation from the regular noise of…

The best of Treehouse hotel rooms

Remember the treehouse where you had your club headquarters in the summer holidays? Well, the space in these treehouses could hardly be more different! These…

Top beaches to visit that are off the beaten path

Beach vacations are an incredible way to take a breath from the loud city life but only if you know where to go. When we…

Vacationing with an RV – Hit the road with these top tips

Maybe they remind you of something “old-fashioned” and the 70s. Or maybe they remind you of a hippie movies you watched as a kid. But…

Things you should do if you get lost on the trail

We all love to get out on the trails and get some fresh air into our lungs. For the most part, we know our way,…