Tag: Antarctic

The coldest places on our planet that you will never visit

Stef Zisovska

Our planet is a beautiful place thriving with life, but there are many remote spots with unbelievably low temperatures where even surviving can become virtually impossible.…

Survival: amazing stories of human resourcefulness

Doug Williams

Stories of survival fascinate most people, and this is probably because few of us are ever placed in the situation where we are required to…

10 Essential items you’ll need in the Arctic

Explored for the first time more than a thousand years ago, it was only conquered and charted at the beginning of the 20th century. The…

Unknown Conqueror of the Arctic – Benjamin Smith

The stories of Arctic explorers Ernest Shackleton and Robert Scott are known by many.  But how many have heard of Arctic explorer Benjamin Leigh Smith. …

Benjamin Smith, Unknown Conqueror of the Arctic, Shipwrecked & Lived on the Ice For 9 Months

The story of Ernest Shackleton is one of survival. The explorer of the Antarctic lead his men through savage terrain and fought to keep them…

Dr. Leonid Rogozov operated on himself to remove his appendix in Antarctica, 1961

Doug Williams

If you think your seasonal cold gets the better of you, imagine performing surgery on yourself to take out a raging monster out of you to…