Tag: book

Top 5 must-have outdoor cookbooks

As camping, when done right, is one of the best family-friendly activities that you can do, it pays to make sure that it is an…

Top 10 outdoor books you should read now

Marion Fernandez

Being an outdoor enthusiast, you will naturally want to be outside as much as possible. But between weather, time, and other commitments, you may not…

5 Books to inspire everyday adventures

Love reading about awesome, record-breaking adventures but find it hard to relate them to real life? Want to have a go at adventuring but feel…

Books to read before you climb mount Everest

Thinking about climbing Mount Everest one day? It’s the ultimate summit – literally the top of the world. Whether it’s a genuine to-do list item…

Travel Books – Fine Print of Define Fine Takes on Apps

Paul Pinkerton

More and more the world is turning to App’s for everything, the internet information age is killing off some good old pastimes like picking up a…

Deep Survival – Book Review

Paul Pinkerton

I first heard of this book via a short review in Tactical Knives, a US magazine, where it was very well received. Therefore when I…