Tag: cave

The spectacular Waitomo glowworm caves in New Zealand

Stef Zisovska

Waitomo Caves are one of the most spectacular in the world because of the lights that glowworms display on the caves’ ceilings and walls. Glowworms are…

Survival: How to weather the perfect storm in a snow cave motel

Doug Williams

Sitting out a blizzard can be a frightening experience, but there are ways to make it less traumatic and to ensure that you come through…

Top 10 forbidden places you will never visit

Tomi Stojanovic

Some people say that they have the world in the palm of their hand, but unfortunately for them, there are some places they’ll never see.…

These old wives tales could kill you – know the facts

Doug Williams

All sorts of situations can bring to mind ancient folk remedies and old wives tales that have been passed down through the ages. These sometimes…

Simply Gorgeous: Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico

Stef Zisovska

The Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico are home to the spectacular Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Carlsbad Cave is the primary attraction of the park and…

Visitors Guide to Pinnacles National Park, California

Rebecca Hext

Being the 5th smallest National Park, Pinnacles National Park is often looked over by California residents. It’s pretty hard to compete with the popularity of…

Natural Shelters – Identifying And Adapting A Survival Shelter

Paul Pinkerton

This is our first in a three part series on Survival Shelters from James Mandeville. Read part two – Building Shelters & Warmth Read part…

A Relaxing Day Out In Wadi Shab

Paul Pinkerton

Described as a “relaxing day out” but it was hardly that as we strode along in pursuit of our delightful Omani guide who was wearing…

Strange Ice Mine in Pennsylvania Produces Ice in Summer

Doug Williams

Ice and winter often go hand in hand. Any mention of ice and snow in the summer will earn you a confused look, except if…