Tag: Death

A tribute to Anthony Bourdain

Ian Carroll

“Move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. Walk in someone else’s shoes, or…

Travel Tuesdays: Pick your partners carefully

Today I’m going to share two climbing stories that both carry the same message from two different angles: Pick your partners in adventure carefully. In…

Risk Tolerance- a free solo story

Last weekend I met a man who lived on the edge. He lived just like he climbed, free solo, nothing to hold him back. Freedom…

Useful tips on finding water in the desert

There are at least two places where you don’t want to be without water – a swimming pool on a hot summer day and a…

Wild bears are nothing like Baloo – learn how to survive a bear encounter

Millions and millions of kids, including all of us here at Outdoor Revival HQ, have grown up watching one of the best Disney’s movies ever,…

Doomsday Preppers – Smart thinking or Doomsday Phobia

Paul Pinkerton

I’ve had many a conversation with people about Prepping and comparing it to being an outdoors person or a Bushcrafter, I had an email arrive…

7 Most Deadly Mountains

Mountain climbers face many dangers. Many of the mountains have an almost vertical structure, which makes it hard for climbers to reach the peak. During…

7 Most Deadly Mountains

heMountain climbers face many dangers. Many of the mountains have an almost vertical structure, which makes it hard for climbers to reach the peak. During…