Tag: energy

Find out why hiking is the best stress buster there is

Stef Zisovska

We accept stress as being part of the modern world, as a normal thing that’s present in our everyday activities. What we don’t recognize is…

Why eating vegetarian food while camping is better for you

Stef Zisovska

Being a vegetarian is a personal choice, and it’s not really the favorite diet of the majority of the population. But, along with all the…

Tips for Cycle Touring with Kids

Cycling holidays with kids can be brilliant. They’re a great way to experience new cultures and to harness some of the boundless energy kids seem…

4 of the best states to have a peaceful life – Off the grid

The modern society can surely have a detrimental impact on your lives, therefore, it’s certainly not a crazy idea to move to a secluded area…

Vektron Electric Folding Bike – Reboot Your Commute

In Switzerland earlier this year I realized how many electric bikes there were and how popular they have become, it seemed that everywhere I looked…

Families Need Backup Power For Winter Outages

Many of us enjoy being out in the winter, camping, walking and other activities when we get home though we generally want that to be…

The 4 best States to have a peaceful life off-grid

The modern society can surely have a detrimental impact on your lives, therefore, it’s certainly not a crazy idea to move to a secluded area…

Kit Tip: Why your collection of dead alkaline batteries aren’t really dead

Modern life runs on energy, and we are getting more and more accustomed to using energy so that we tend to forget that this energy…