Tag: honey

Clear your lungs and cure that cough

Doug Williams

When your immune system is compromised and you contract a dose of the common cold, you will probably find yourself constantly blowing your streaming nose, coughing,…

Top long lasting foods for disaster preparedness

When stockpiling food for survival, you will immediately be limited to only a few select foods because the majority of foods are not suitable for…

8 Old Time Remedies For Corns and Calluses

Doug Williams

Corns and calluses are caused by the thickening of dying layers of skin on your feet, and they can cause you a lot of pain…

Reviving the old ways of ‘scratch cooking’

Just a quick glance at the label of a number of packages that our food comes in these days is enough to give you an…

Stung by a bee? It can be of benefit to you

Bee stings are a communal terror in spring and summer but Ruth Meredith, a secluded beekeeper in Smithfield, have faith in more or less stings…