Tag: pirates

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

Stef Zisovska

The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean that confuses every single person in the world. There are various rumors circling around…

The best pirate places in the Caribbean that you can visit today

Stef Zisovska

If you are a true adventurer, then you would probably enjoy exploring the favorite area of 17th and 18th-century pirates, the Caribbean. Back in those…

Topsail Island: From a pirate’s hideout to a beach paradise

Topsail is a 26-miles long island along the coast of North Carolina. It’s a home of thick forests, beautiful sandy beaches, and sea turtles. There are…

Ocracoke Island – a remote paradise in North Carolina

Ocracoke is an island located entirely within Hyde County, North Carolina. The population in 2010 was 948 and in 2014, 591. This 16-miles long island…

The Pirate Cemetery of Madagascar. Home of an estimated 1,000 pirates

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Ile Sainte-Marie (or St. Mary’s Island as it is known in English), a long, thin island off the eastern…