Tag: plant

How to safely select edible wild plants

Stef Zisovska

Wild plants are the best food you can eat while camping, hiking or in a survival situation. They are a free source of vitamins, minerals,…

Caño Cristales – Colombia’s rainbow river

Stef Zisovska

Caño Cristales or the Crystal Channel is a river in Serrania de la Macarena in the province of Meta in Colombia. The river is also…

Coca tea – A traditional remedy from the Andes

Even though its use has been discouraged by Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the coca tea is a traditional drink from the Andes. However, it is still…

Top 10 medicinal plants for survival

Warding off against infections, diseases, and physical injuries seem pretty easy nowadays. With modern medication and new technologies, things are a lot easier for us.…

Dangerous plants to avoid – Watch out for Skunk Cabbage

The Earth is filled with wondrous trees that seem to touch the heavens. Around every bend, there are beautiful flowers that you can touch and…

garden growth

Growth factor: A few good reasons to plant a garden

Gardening is good for the soul, it’s good for your health, and it’s good for your home. It’s not too late to plant a garden…

10 Plants That Cause Serious Harm – Keep an eye out for Skunk Cabbage

Paul Pinkerton

The Earth is filled with wondrous trees that seem to touch the heavens. Around every bend, there are beautiful flowers that you can touch and…

Trees Need Planting – Dominion’s Project Plant It!® Now Open

Paul Pinkerton

If there’s something we’re passionate about at Outdoor revival HQ it’s trees, we love them and we recognize that they need to be a protected…