Tag: top ten

Ten trips to take this summer

Ian Carroll

Quick, quick, it’s already June! If you don’t hurry, summer could pass you by faster than snow melts in the Utah desert. Summer vacations can…

Virtual reality vs. the real outdoors

Ian Carroll

The virtual world has virtually arrived. Most of us at Outdoor Revival have been spending our summers on the beach and our winters in the…

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what get us outside, what gets…

Best travel apps for wandering across the world 2018

Ian Carroll

Back in the day, travel essentials used to be things like a map, guidebook, extra rolls of film and a sense of adventure. These days,…

Best vehicles for adventure travel

Vanlife is one of the biggest trends among young people today. It’s the new American dream, it would seem, to sell all your belongings and…

16 Weird whale facts you probably didn’t know

Ian Carroll

Blue whale calves are big Blue whale calves spend almost an entire year in their mothers and are born at about seven meters long. They…

Best destinations for rock climbing all year long

Ian Carroll

Rock climbing is a pretty seasonal sport. Certainly, you can climb in the winter. However, that’s not what most of us are into. Most of…

Three tips to make you stronger – strength training Part 1

Ian Carroll

As a rock climber, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can get stronger. It’s something we all think about. Just about…

music festival

Festival essentials: What to bring to an outdoor music festival

Planning on going to an outdoor music festival this summer? Whether you’re as green as the grass you’re dancing on, or have been giggin’ out…