Tag: well being

The diseases that could kill us tomorrow

For a disease to kill thousands or even millions of people it only needs a tightly populated area and one dangerous pathogen. Even though there…

Avoiding the pesky mosquitoes

When the weather begins to warm up, you can expect to find annoying mosquitoes appearing around lots of places. The actual bite is not the…

30 Minutes of nature time for a better health

We’re all aware that spending time in nature is good for our health. Although we know it, we still tend to look for solid proof…

How to treat the three most common hiking injuries

Peter Brandon

If you’re an avid hiker, you need to know how to treat these 3 common hiking injuries on your own with minimal supplies. Why? Because…

It’s time for Outdoor yoga

Everyone knows that if you want to have a good yoga session, you need a calm and peaceful environment. That’s why most of the yoga…