Tag: wet

Meet capybara – the friendliest creature on Earth

Stef Zisovska

The capybara is an animal native to South America, is the size of a big dog, and looks like its closest relative, the guinea pig.…

How to ensure dry gear in extended wet weather

Finding out that you have not one single dry piece of clothing after a long hike in the rain can be pretty upsetting. No matter whether…

Tips for hiking in cold weather for beginners

Low temperatures, rainstorms, and cold winds are among the most challenging weather conditions that a hiking enthusiast can face. However, bad weather doesn’t mean you…

How to choose a campsite and which places to avoid

Camping is something that all real outdoorsy people love. But, there is one unwritten rule that says that it always rains on the tent. There are…

Stay dry while camping in the rain

Stef Zisovska

A rainy day during your hiking trip is not always so romantic. Few hours of pouring rain can result in destroyed electronic devices, wet clothes,…

Life hacks: for getting the best night sleep in a tent

Giving up the comfy mattress and the bunch of fluffy pillows is a big sacrifice for a lot of people. The truth is that sleeping…

How to have a successful family adventure in the woods

Stef Zisovska

Taking your kids on a hiking trip is a great way to get them connected to nature and teach them how to enjoy the great…

Tips on hiking through extended wet weather

You finally have a weekend off, and you can’t wait to pack your things and head off for an exciting trip out of the city.…

Tips for hiking and camping in the rain

Stef Zisovska

You’ve been planning a camping trip for the last few months, and now you finally have some days off work. You have your gear packed,…

Lighting a fire with one match in soaking wet conditions

Paul Pinkerton

Because of my difficulties getting a fire going on the last trip, I set myself the goal to go over the basics once more, but…