Category: Facts

Interesting facts about Canyonlands National Park

Stef Zisovska

The United States has a number of national parks that you don’t hear about every day, but are as gorgeous and spectacular as the most…

Do you wish you could fly? Look it up.

Ian Carroll

Welcome to look it up, a series where we bring you facts so frickin’ cool that they almost feel like fiction. After all, the world’s…

Interesting facts about the American Bison

Stef Zisovska

Since May 9th, 2016, the American Bison became the national mammal of United States, thanks to the National Bison Legacy Act signed by President Obama. With…

Amazing facts about pigs that will make you love them more

Stef Zisovska

Pigs are big and fat, very smart, and make good pets for the ones that don’t use them as food. There are different varieties of…

The most colorful animals in nature

Stef Zisovska

All animals on our planet have different attractions or characteristics that draw our attention. Some of them have extreme size, are cute, scary, two-headed, with…

Top places with the bluest water in the world

Stef Zisovska

Blue water, crystal-clear coast, and sandy beaches are the first things that pop up on our minds when we think of summer. The question is,…

US Historical monuments to be proud of

Stef Zisovska

All over the country, there is an abundance of historical monuments that remind us of the turbulent past of the United States. Some of them…

Unusual tiger facts that you should share with your kids

Stef Zisovska

Tigers are one of the most beautiful animals on our planet. Even if you’re not a big feline fan, you can’t deny they are gorgeous.…

Cool facts you didn’t know about slugs and snails

Stef Zisovska

Slugs and snails often cause proud gardeners to shudder, but there are actually plenty of cool facts about them that you will be surprised. Some people…

16 Weird whale facts you probably didn’t know

Ian Carroll

Blue whale calves are big Blue whale calves spend almost an entire year in their mothers and are born at about seven meters long. They…