Tag: bear attack

Bear Attacks: How to Get Out Alive

Marion Fernandez

A trip into the wilderness comes with a few dangers. From poisonous plants, heat exhaustion, and getting lost, the outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen of the world…

Backcountry and Bears: be aware and be careful

Adventures in the backcountry can be serene as you traverse this beautiful country in peace. But there are dangerous predators that roam the wilderness, and…

Lucky escapes from death in the wilderness

For anyone interested in the various survival stories from around the world in different periods in history, one common factor that contributes to a survival…

Man Survives Double Bear Attack ‘I was perfectly still. It was the only chance that I had’

Doug Williams

Towards the end of last year Dan Richmond, a 54-year-old hiker, survived a very close encounter with not one bear but two. There’s a lot…

Maryland Woman Survives Bear Attack

Doug Williams

The closest I’ve got to a bear, other than the zoo was in Newfoundland, Canada back in 1994; I opened the back door and there…

Going on a Hike – Make Sure You Have Bear Protection

Doug Williams

Hiking is an incredibly fun activity that so many people all over the world like to do. People enjoy it for different reasons; to remove…