Tag: camping

Nite Ize Figure 9 Rope Tighteners – Review

Nite Ize Figure 9 Rope Tightening products make tensioning and securing ropes a simple and positive procedure – even if you cannot tie a knot…

Your Next Camping Trip: To Plan or be Spontaneous?

There are some people who have to have everything planned. When they are doing something or going somewhere, it’s planned down to every last detail,…

Hydro Flask

The Guys and Girls at Hydro Flask say: We’ll keep water icy cold on a hot sunny beach. And serve up a hot coffee on…

Hotel vs Hammock?

I’m spending at least one night a week away from home at the moment. So I’m going to dive into the pros and cons of…

TerraDrop off-road trailer

TerraDrop is our offering for those of you with off-road tendencies. TerraDrop is styled to fit in perfectly with modern and classic off-road capable vehicles.…

nCamp Stove – Kickstarter

A 15oz Backpackers Dream: the nCamp Stove is a compact wood-burning stove that lets you to leave canned fuel at home! The nCamp Stove is…

Helle Sigmund Knife Review

Coming, like all Helle Knives, in a strong card tube along with a care and maintenance booklet, a linen cloth and a lifetime warranty against…

Use the Wind to Power Your Gadgets while Camping

Camping is an amazing thing; it can be so relaxing and refreshing to just remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of society for a…

The Adventurer Portable Microwave is on the way to make outdoor lovers meals easier to cook.

The Adventurer Portable Microwave is on the way to revolutionise outdoor cooking. OK, so part of the fun of camping and being outdoors is cooking…

Urban HUSKY – Pocket knife

One of the tag-lines of this Kickstarter campaign is a “Century old design, updated for the modern adventurer”.  They seem to have hit the proverbial…