Tag: construction

How to choose the perfect tree for your dream treehouse

Stef Zisovska

Living in a treehouse is every kid’s dream. Well, ok, some adults also think that living in a treehouse would be a dream come true.…

How to build a chicken coop

Constructing a chicken coop is a fun little project that can be done by anyone so long as you have the right materials and at…

Top reasons to escape and build a cabin in the woods

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of…

10 Great reasons to escape the city for the woods to build a cabin

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of…

From Reused Windows To A Charming Cabin In The Woods (video)

While many of us dream of having big, luxurious getaway houses, filled with expensive furniture, Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz had a simple and unique…

10 Reasons To Leave The City And Go In The Woods To Build A Cabin

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of…