Tag: Emergency Situation

Building a snow trench hotel

Doug Williams

When you are in the great outdoors snow hiking, skiing or having any other kind of snow adventure, the knowledge of how to make a…

How to use a Signal Mirror

If you are in a distress situation and you have lost hope of rescue, the sight of a rescue aircraft should fill you with joy. However, you…

Using iPhone Compass App to determine direction in the wilderness

In day to day life, you might never need a compass or feel the need to know where south is from your home. However, in…

How To Suck More Juice From Your Dead Batteries

I’m sitting in the Outdoor Revival office and I’m looking around my desk to see what battery powered items I’ve got to hand. I have…

Prepper: How to cook without drawing attention to yourself

Despite our natural urge to socialize and invite friends and family over whenever we can: in a situation where things have gotten out of hands, and…