Author: Ian Carroll

Ian Carroll is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Skills for the first time traveler

Hitting the road for the first time is as exhilarating as it is intimidating. There’s so much to think about, and so much to learn.…

What type of traveler are you

Chances are that you’re not exactly where you’d like to be right now. If you could, you would probably be somewhere far away, doing something…

kruisin koru vanlife

Vanlife from Colorado to Patagonia: Real life adventures of Kruisin Koru

Vanlife was always a dream for Matt and Sarah. A ‘one day we will’ that they kept safe in the back of their minds. Lot’s…

Morning run

5 Reasons for a morning run

Ian Carroll

This morning it was still chilly in the shade as I laced up my shoes for my morning run. The birds were wide awake already.…

Fruit picking vineyard

Fruit picking- The perfect nomadic job to see the world

“The cherries man! They’re huge!” “And yer up there in the trees just surrounded by ‘em on all sides. Ya stick yer hands in a…

travel blogging writing journal notebook

3 Reasons to post about your adventures

You should be sharing. You should be blogging, or Facebook posting, or Instagraming your adventures. Whether you are on an unending journey to see the…

Risk Tolerance- a free solo story

Last weekend I met a man who lived on the edge. He lived just like he climbed, free solo, nothing to hold him back. Freedom…

camp cooking kit

5 Items you have to have in your camp cooking kit

Camp cooking is something of a lost art. Heck, cooking has become a lost art in many households. But if you are one of the few.…

car vanlife camping

Vanlife: three reasons to live without a lease

If you’ve spent much time off the beaten path in the last decade, you’ve probably heard of vanlife. Dirtbags living out of their cars on…

blades in the bush axe knife

A blade in the bush – axes, hatchets, tomahawks, and knives.

Pretty much everyone takes some sort of blade with them into the wilderness. It’s just common sense, there are so many reasons you might need…