Tag: well being

Workout origins: Why we workout now

Many of us try to get some exercise in to maintain our physical health and physique. Whether you go to the gym, hike, or anything…

Ketogenic diet: good or bad?

Diet trends always seem to be coming and going, with new secrets to weight loss intriguing the desperate searching for quick solutions. One of the…

Top 10 warm escapes: Fitness challenges on vacation

Marion Fernandez

Taking a vacation can mean a lot of different things. Whether it is an escape to take a break from your daily life or just…

Overcoming Plantar Fasciitis: Don’t give up

As an avid hiker or runner, you are on your feet a lot. This means mile upon mile of heavy-impact on your feet, up and…

Start young: Getting your kids on the trail

If hiking is one of your passions, you are naturally going to want to share your passion with your children. But it can be intimidating…

Nursing an injury: How to stay active when hurt

Getting injured as an active person is incredibly frustrating. Depending on the injury, you could be off your favorite activity for days, weeks, or even…

Natural mosquito repellents and Zika

Doug Williams

Mosquitoes are usually attracted to bite humans by a combination of light, scent, humidity, and heat. There are many kinds of mosquito species, and they…

Amazing benefits of solo travel

Stef Zisovska

There is nothing like discovering a new place by yourself without any help or support. More and more people are deciding to travel alone because…

Tips to ensure the safety of your drinking water

When you find you need to use water from streams, ponds, or lakes, it is important to filter the water. This step is often missed,…

Survival: How to weather the perfect storm in a snow cave motel

Doug Williams

Sitting out a blizzard can be a frightening experience, but there are ways to make it less traumatic and to ensure that you come through…